girls were expected to wear a pleated skirt, white blouse, and low heel shoes. They could wear any other top over the blouse they wished to give their outfit individuality.

We pondered what type of top he should wear for his first day of school as a coed. Finally, we agreed on a red cable knit sweater that complimented his ivory skirt, nude nylons, and flats.

Monday morning found us scurrying nervously about. I was helping Ted get ready, but he was beside himself with anxiety. Despite his reservations, a very pretty fifteen year old 'girl' picked up 'her' purse and walked to the car.

"Honey, don't be nervous," I tried to calm him when I stopped in front of the school.

Ted was fidgeting in the passenger seat. "But I don't.. ." he stammered while nervously toying with his skirt.

"Everything will be all right,” I assured him. "You look wonderful, so don't worry. No one will recognize you. Trust



"But what if someone does recognize me?" he cried, his voice quivering on the edge of breaking.

"Barbie, nobody would ever guess you are anything other than what you appear to be, a perky 15 year old girl. You are Barbie Anne Reynolds now and nobody will think differently!"

"Okay, but be sure to stay home all day just in case," his voice quivered. He took one last look in the visor mirror to check his makeup and applied a creamy lipstick before exiting the car. "Wish me luck," he said, then walked toward the school with his skirt blowing gently about in the wind.

"Tell me about your day sweetheart, and don't leave out a single detail!" I chirped when I picked Ted up after school. "First, did anyone recognize you or suspect you were a boy?"

"Thankfully, no," he admitted with a blush as he straightened his skirt about his nylon clad legs. "When I walked up to the entrance, memories of the last time I was at this school filled my mind. Since then, I'd served two years in the army as a Red Beret. To return wearing a skirt is very embarrassing."

"The other students were clustered in groups when I made my entrance. Every so often, I noticed a boy or a girl looking at me, but nobody acted as if anything was out of the ordinary. After I checked in at the office, the bell rang, and I went to my home room. I didn't have trouble finding it because the school hadn't changed much in the last three years. As I walked toward the back of the room to take a

"I was petrified as I stood before the class to introduce myself. "My name is Barbie Ann Reynolds," I whispered. I was sure Mr. Almond would see I was a boy!